Tuesday 3 May 2016

Primary Research

This first main question was to see what sort of genres of games people tend to lean towards, a lot of fantasy games appeared in my results and alot of modern fiction games such as GTA. This allows me to look at other games and see what sort of character designs they went for and how I can get inspired by it.

I asked what their favorite character were and why to see what sort of characters people tend to lean towards and what sort of personalities and properties people like of that character to help me create a character that has a personality that people can connect to and really get to know

This question was to see what sort of weapons people lean towards to help me have an understanding of what people would like to use on my character, a lot of people leaned towards using a bow so I will be incorporating that into my character. This will also please my target audience.
I asked people if they preferred fast past action or slow development, i know a a lot of league character take awhile to build their power while a lot only need to reach lvl 3 to get stuck into the action, most like a slow development so ill think of some way you can develop your character in game and build a stronger bond.

This research will be aimed at multiple people and not a specific demographic audience besides gamers

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis, you could add more specicfic detail on how this would influence your final character, proof read your annotations.
