Tuesday 21 June 2016


I believe that my character design would be well placed on a billboard out side of a gaming convention or teased inside of  a gaming convention as an announcement of a new character


I believe my Primary research influenced me more in my design choice as it gave me more specific areas to design in, however my secondary research on the Moba industry and how they design characters allowed me to create a more in depth primary research, for instance my secondary research mentions the role of a marksman swords and and a tank, there fore I asked in my research what weapon people more enjoy playing  in my survey which inevitably came out as bow, I then stuck with the bow idea as it what my target audience wanted and is why it impacted my design choices.

Monday 13 June 2016

power point

My Powerpoint presentation went pretty well i got the information of how i designed the character and how  my research influenced me into my creation, i did have to be asked how i designed my character in the depths of Phyotoshop 



For my final major project I we were asked to create a piece of media of our choice. My original ideas was to create and very detailed character for the game League of Legends, However I was told that I should make a character in a game that i also should design but that to me seems like too much work for the amount of time .The aim of my project is to create a character and their skill sets while also Including a backstory to go with it. The things I will look into will be the lore behind the character, why I designed the character in the way of the purpose of his/hers abilities and i will also look into what role my character will fit into. The mediums I will be using to start off with is word document to help write the background information of my character or characters, ill use paper and pencil to create a rough draft and outline of the actual image and finally ill use Photoshop to bring depths to the character. The things I will had to manage is work time, how long im spending on the lore how long im spending on the abilities and how long im spending on Photoshop editing.

The very first thing I did was research league of legends, I was looking into who the creation team is and what common patterns were in the characteristics. I looked at the roles in league of legends, there isnt a set meta for character roles however after the years people have leaned towards a set role in league of legends using the Top/Mid/Adc/Supp/Jglr meta as its the most efficiently working team, I also talked about what sort of roles im thinking of recreating however I never really got around to revolutionize the ADC role instead I was more looking into my own ideas. Part of my league of legends research I looked into the backgrounds the characters have and looked into the lore, there are multiple faction in league of legends and I looked into creating my own faction or tying my character into one of the existing factions. I never got as far as to create a background for my character as complications arise and I had to redo work that took my time up.

After my little research on the game I took it abit further and looked into how an actual character is designed in league of legends and I used my favorite character Draven as an example, the process was a very interesting as it all started with the idea of an axe throwing character that catches his axes, the main drawings consisted of multiple axe designs and how the actual weapon worked until they found a design that looked nice and suited the effect, then they went onto creating the actual character and they had multiple angles of the design with close ups of legs and arms which inspired me to make a design process in the similar way, after the designs were drawn they added detailing gave him a backstory and animated him while creating the 5 main game features Passive/Q/W/E/R which are the abilities.

The first part of my pre-production I created three mood boards, the first mood board consisted of art work a designs for character to do with league of legends, I created this so I can have a look at the art style in the picture the themes around the character (steampunk/goth/etc) and what detailing is where and how I can implement in my own design i was really inspired by the colour pallet. The second mood board was to keep an idea of what sort of physical environment my character came from and looked at multiple of picture designs such as snow places, jungle and mountainous. The third was with weapon designs, I looked at alot of images of various different weapons of different sizes to have a looks at what looks create on them and what I can take into my designs, I looked into a lot of sword and bow designs as that my main focus but I took into account the designs on the staff and all the little detailing I could use as a handle.

After my pre-production I checked back on my primary research and looked at all the replys again to get an idea what my character should be based around, everyone leaned towards a bow type character as multiple said they liked that, so I based went and based my character as an archer so i went and design a couple of ideas I had for the bow and the one that stuck out to me was a shattered bow that uses shards to fire and that idea just stuck to me through out my designs, I had the idea of having a hood on my character so I went and design multiple designs and the one I liked most was the half masked face design so I went and created a full body art of it which turned alright but I didn't entirely like how it came out so I went onto create a close up which I enjoyed a lot and I used that as the base for my final design.

For my final design I used the close up picture, I started of by importing my picture in to photo shop then went around with the paint tool on a different layer and outlined all the major lines and filled it in with the main colours such as brown and purple. Then using a lo opacity with black and white i went around shading the corners, for the stars on the mask i used a blurred brush and dotted it around. As for the face i used a spray paint brush to get that fuzzy edge to it. i really liked how it came out how ever it was rushed due to me having to redo my entire image again.

Designing my power-point was easy, I put all the key information while adding pictures like my mood board to help explain what I am talking about. Presenting my work was short snappy talked about what i wanted and was confident about it.

I believe the project turned out well I really enjoyed the drawing as i can create something with out any major limitations it was all my work and idea, I felt there could have been more design work of my character as i did spend a lot on the research instead of focusing on the important part of the actual design. If  I had to do it again id manage my work better and stick to my scheduled to get the full work sorted out and have enough time to make a bit more to get some added experience.

Friday 10 June 2016

Fresh Drawings Lit AF

This first sketch shows the elements of the bow and how the bow actually works, each element co exists with each other with out one you cant have the other, The bow becomes empowered as it gathers shards the shards for the arrow, i also drew a small sketch of what each would look like

I then went on to drawing the protection and the outfit of the character, I went for a lot of leather as its light enough for movement but strong enough to block a few blows, I also looked into practicality of having  protection in the exposed  arm and a weather resistant hood  to protect him from rain and mud and various other environments.

I designed the under clothign to be tight and easy to move in while also keeping Razbio warm in the harshest of weathers, while making him somewhat decent looking, these are rough drawings to give myself an idea of the final product. 

I decided on my character being an archer due to my survey showing more people enjoyed playing as and archer class type of character so i drew multiple pictures of different bows, the one i liked mostly was the shattered bow.
In my mind i thought of the character as a man with a hood and a mask or something that covers his face so i looked at multiple character that wear hood in video games and based some designs from it. i really like the picture with he half mask
After i created a full image of my character that had in mind and try to implement a lot of details i quite liked how it turned. The image shows the type of clothing hes wearing which is shirt waste coat and this long trench coat and the big coat. I also implement some Armour and the bow.

After the image i decide to create a close up on the face as a sort of title to the character, i also wanted to practice some shading, In the full image i added hair but i feel like i really capture his essence of creepy buy keeping him hairless, i really wanted to focus on the face to get that really creepy joker smile. i really like how the picture turned out and i thing i got the shading right as well.

Final image

The final image came out really neat and tidy and looked really nice, however i lost the image and so i had to redo my picture in a day and it came out good but you can clearly tell how rushed the shading and everything but i mainly focused on the face as that my main aim and i think a did a good job to define the face. I started of by importing my picture in to photo shop then went around with the paint tool on a different layer and outlined all the major lines and filled it in with the main colours such as brown and purple. Then using a lo opacity with black and white i went around shading the corners, for the stars on the mask i used a blurred brush and dotted it around. As for the face i used a spray paint brush to get that fuzzy edge to it.
In this picture it shows i used the paint tool for the brown leather hood and all the other main colors like purple and light brown. I also highlighted the out line with a grayish black to make the distinctive lines appear

For the shading i used and blurred brush and a low opacity and changed the colors form black to white. Black for the shadows and white for  the lgithinging

I also used the sharpen to tool to highlight the light a little more giving it a yellowish tint

This is an example of where I used it

For the dark shadows i used the burn tool to make it a little darker and distort the tool lines and i also used it for the eyes to give it more of a dark distort tone